Friday, February 27, 2015

Virgin Mary Archetype

Someone, with a Ph.D. mind you so he must know better than I do, and better yet, he is a therapist, so he must know exactly how I must be fixed and changed to conform and be like him or his ideal woman and then of course get a man I guess, told me when I will be more like the Virgin Mary, I will be the most beautiful woman in the world. Well, I am that already, he just fails to see it.

I am a complicated creature, as most mature, deep people are. I have integrated thoughts, values and views that I love and with which I am happy and complete. Some cannot be expressed in words. I may think the Virgin Mary or a saint is higher than I am or I may think not in some other dimension. The points are: To me, one of or the greatest point of life is to be more you, the authentic you, and, unless you are a doorknob, that will include many different characters, aspects and dimensions.

Then I got to thinking more...The Gospel of the Virgin Mary has been rejected. I think she actually speaks there. I wonder if women wrote some of the Bible, if she would have been different. Perhaps men want a mother or lover who is quiet and humble and a virgin or non-sexual, except, of course, when it comes to them. And further, if she never speaks her mind, it's even better.  I am not discounting here the strong feminine power, stronger than masculine, that comes from being quiet and committed, having an intent, and thus having people know and getting what you want.

I further got to thinking: Perhaps the more complete feminine archetype also includes Athena, that strong female goddess of wisdom and war. And perhaps some women writers of the Bible would have included a vocal feminine character. Perhaps she'd even be bossy and wear pumps at times.

After all, even God came from and through a woman.

You wouldn't know it with the lack of equal pay, even in the USA, and growing rates of college rapes, war rapes, rapes in India and more happening in the world now.

Speak up!

Lastly, a dog is not a cat, a cat is not a dog, a rose is not a tulip, a tulip is not a rose. Be yourself. You may spend the rest of your life finding out just what that is. And at the same time, when you were a child or teenager, you knew.

My third book, Pocket Guide to Fitness, is available on and If you look up my name on those Web sites, you will find my other books The Boy in a Wheelchair and Life, Work and Play: Poems and Short Stories. These two books are on my Web site and like, if you so see fit, my book page at

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