Friday, December 31, 2010

Short Review on Alvin Ailey City Center Performance December 30

The first Robert Battle piece Festa Barrocca was too simple for me. The dancers are capable of lots more in choreography. There were too many dahcers o the stage at once many times. I started to really like it when the women play-slapped the men. Couple sthen came out and did good routines.

There was a wonderful solo by a Samuel Lee Roberts. He spun rapidly and fell on his shoulder, or so it seemed, at least two times. I stood for him.

I was going to leave before Revelations. I have seen it enough times for now. But goig to get my coat, I heard the great film with Judith and Alvin. It seems he is still alive through the screen and dancers. I'd love to see Judith dance. I am sure she can!

The piece was clean and great, and I saw it newly as a confirmation of one's self and group's identity, resilience and commitment to triumph, while being good instead of weathered in life. The baptism starting anew religious context was great.

Bravo to Constance Stamatiou, headliner of Battle's piece, who is part Greek, and to the oldest member of the dance troupe, Renee Robinson, a prime dancer in Revelations. I will go ot the Playbill and add names soon.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Saving and Spending

Saving and spending is another yin yang balance to me. I do not want to be around the energy of stingy people, who are not generous giving gifts or loans to friends at hard times, that everyone is bound to have. I also do not want to be around the energy of one who spends all of their money with no accountability or plan to save or for income. That said, there is such an action as throwing your hat over the fence where you spend money, even if you are not making it, creating your future and confident that the money will come back fourfold or more in the future. Many people who start a business, either putting their own money or getting gifts/loans or both, do this.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dinner at Nino's on 47th Street and Second Avenue, New York City

Why not put a food blog post here? It's part of enjoying life. A movie event was canceled so I went to Nino's. The decor was too casual and sloppy, perhaps this was not their better branch. The bathroom area was disgusting: TO mount a few steps to go to the only bathroom, one viewed an alcove with thrown pieces of furniture, basically a closet with no door and the waiter area, with a view to the kitchen.

The pieces of focaccia bread the server sent us at the beginning were cold. I asked for other, warmer bread and it was decent. The olives seemed too sweet and canned. The pasta itself, linguine with marinara sauce, was very good and not too al dente. The Pizza I shared with someone was crisp and fresh with the vegetables and feta deep in taste.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Eighth Grade Short Essay The Most Exciting Time in My Life

This was posted in the Saint Demetrios Day School of Jamaica newspaper. I wrote about Sami, Kephallonia. I can't believe I wrote this at 12 or 13 years old.

The Most Exciting Time in My Life

The most exciting time in my life was the past summer when I went to Greece. I can just close my eyes and dream of that wonderful summer for hours. The air in Greece was fresh, nature was at its peak, and I felt the calmest and happiest I have ever felt.

In the morning I would spend hours at the cool, refreshing beach with its crystal clear water. I would swim, play volleyball in the water, or just sit on the sand talking to some friends and listening to my Walkman.

In the afternoon I would either go to a friend's house or take a nap. Usually I would take a nap to get ready for the most exciting time of the day — nighttime. At nighttime I would take walks with my friends along the harbor. We would sometimes eat souvlaki and ice cream or take rides with our bikes. Sometimes there would be dances in the plaza. Then it would be almost too beautiful to believe! All around me were the mountains. A few yards away was the bay. And on the bay sparkled lights from the plaza or from the towns across from where they dance was taking place. Overhead would lie so many stars that the sky was more white than dark blue. And then right tin the middle of a dance, a ferryboat or yacht might come in large and majestic, sparkling with its lights against the nighttime sky.

How sad I was when summer vacation was over! But I’ll go there again. I can see the lights dancing on the water and hear the sound of the small waves on the sand.

Dreams I had of dating as a teenager and later, and of work did not materialize fully – yet. And I have had other wonderful experiences that I did not know existed. We can always look back to the self in us that existed from when we were children to formulate the future.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Great Post on Interpeting Movies Through Religion

The author is Honna Eichler and she starts with Harry Potter.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Push or Pull

I just listened to an audio of a past teleseminar of Minister Michael Beckwith, one of the narrators of The Secret. He mentioned a powerful distinction I have felt: You are often motivated by those that annoy you or don't believe in you, as when you prove. When you get in the zone (my word here), you feel pulled by a force. I add: This force, not forceful, is your connection to the Holy Spirit, the real you from when you were a child that had dreams, your intentions and your commitments. There is nothing wrong with pushing, and often you have to with those that won't budge from their level in the near future, but getting in that pull zone, where your Word, dreams, intentions, desires and loves are pulling you more than you are being pushed, if at all, is [a type of] Heaven. Sense of humor can be one trigger toward it. Creativity flourishes here.