Wednesday, March 2, 2011


The new Johnny Depp animation flick Rango was not so pretty to look at. Yet I found the symbolism and metaphors great. Water could be taken to mean money. Dirt can be taken to mean resignation and cynicism. Getting through the dirt to get water can be taken to mean doing growth and development work on yourself.

The snake can be taken to be one’s internal conversations against oneself or possibility like not being good enough. We often think we may be exposed as frauds, as Rango was by the snake. He did not kill the bird out of skill. Yet he had to get over the hump, like throwing his hat over the fence, and walk into his future with confidence. What is the worst that could have happen? He could fail and not look good to people. But that had happened before, and it would happen again anyway. Play big and fail big.

The people of the town Dirt had sold out and trusted the mayor, who wanted to control the water, or money, or their thoughts.

At the beginning of the flick, he had to blend in with the dirt, yep, to conformity when it is not of Truth, Integrity or Beauty. Finally he crossed the road, as the armadillo told him. He had a new sense of himself, and so of life. This does not mean it will get easy.

This film was rich in metaphors, like Alice in Wonderland, although not as pretty to look at.

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