Friday, July 31, 2020

The Goose

Well, there is only one goose left. I am devastated. I did get a bit unattached days ago.
It is not one I particularly liked. my favorites were Mosely the father that I first saw and Psoma who ate from my hand. This one, Cody if a boy or Codette if a girl, poked at a sibling and his Dad if I recall and freely shook his/her butt and pooped.

The charm of Cody/Codette has grown on me. I recall he/she loved to primp their feathers with their beak, to scratch their back with the back of their head, and to spread their wings and stretch. He/she, like the other ones, close their eyes with their lower white eyelids and stand on one leg.

I wonder if park goers, mostly Moslems, took the geese for food. They seem peaceful. 
Today was a major holiday for them and I did not see any of them bothering geese. One jogger said that he is a local and other years saw geese leave and return. Let's hope that happens. Other theories are that evil teenagers killed them or perhaps animals like foxes and coyotes. Or perhaps they went away, single or in small groups, and will return. Sigh. I will be an FBI agent until I find out.

I visit Cody/Codette, how has yet to eat from my hand and at times has been fed bread by others. He/she continues their gestures. Days ago, he/she kept company with tow young duckettes, that are now gone. Cody/Codette floats around, eats, drinks in muddy water, and today was chewing on dead twigs and a potato chip bag. Was he/she "brushing their teeth? I am fascinated.

I recalled an acting teacher saying often that a baby, child, pet or animal will upstage the best actor. Why? They are being themselves. They do not want to defend or prove anything. They are not self-conscious. I cannot imagine Cody/Codette thinking: "How am I chewing this grass? Is my ass fat? Can they see me poop? How should I best spend my time today?"

I have thought that at times I have sweated different people because they had or put up a show that they had what I did not have or really thought I did not have at the moment:  a certain fitness level, a career, a carefree attitude. Cody/Codette does not have this problem. And this is what makes him/her so fascinating. Besides, he/she is so sweet. 

Check out my books on or The Boy in a Wheelchair, Life, Work and Play and PocketGuide to Fitness and Musings on 

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