Thursday, October 7, 2010

What Is Work?

They peer at you with beady eyes, waiting to attack, drowning in the ecstasy of their misery and ancestors' conversations of hard work and suffering. They ready to spring at your neck in case you are having too much fun, and, especially if you are earning money doing it! How to be nice to these bleeps while being powerful and straight is the subject of another blog post, but for now I will focus on the topic of work. It has been on my mind after an ordinary ignoramus made a comment to me months ago, and curiously, is a major topic of Oprah Winfrey's recent O Magazine issue. Perhaps this is a sort of serendipity -- alike minds think alike. Martha Stewart, another wealthy woman, was on the Oprah show recently. These too work and play hard -- another yin/yang balance I'd like more of and wanted since a child. Oprah gives millions to others, and employees people, and has her share of homes, clothes, jewelry, food and more. She has her healthy ego too, putting her good ol' self on the cover of her magazine.

Working hard has its merits. Who wants to be a lazy bum? At the same time, you can do what you love and have fun. And, think: If one is extra smart and talented, they may not have to kill themselves to do the same work another does, and they may do so a lot quicker. Yes, some people have to pay the bills. With some creativity, intuition and imagination, they can begin hobbies that grow to be lucrative. They will be self-expressed and have fun.

Think more: Oftentimes, what looks like fun, like dance, is the result of hours of hard work. And it is also fun and self-expression for some, not to mention magic, inspiration and a way to make a difference!

Think more: Everything is work. If you read a book, have an experience or watch a television show and are conscious or present so that you grow, you are working. And if you use this for further work in which you get pay, good for you.

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