Friday, May 10, 2024

How Exercise Benefits Your Cells and Overall Health by Gemma Conroy, Published in Nature, May 2, 2024

This article is worth leading. The author cites some new discoveries and points to new research that needs to be done.  When you tear up muscle fibers during exercise and then rest, the muscles come back bigger and stronger. Research has shown that the stress that exercise brings to your body, even a temporary increase of oxidative molecules, eventually allows the body to become stronger, like in the adage "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

One effect of exercise is increased IL-6, which can cause inflammation and is "linked to obesity and insulin resistance," but exercise leads to increased anti-inflammatory molecules IL-10 and IL-1ra. 

Reactive oxygen species, which in excess amounts can damage DNA, proteins, and lipids, kick-start a heightened presence of molecules such as proteins PGC-1α and NRF2, which activate genes that encode antioxidant enzymes.

Jonathan Long and colleagues at Stanford University found that exercise affects more than 200 cell types.  When Long and his colleagues genetically tweaked mice so that their livers expressed elevated levels of these enzymes, they did not gain weight when eating fatty foods and had increased endurance.

One study found that endurance training had different effects on men and women. Fat breakdown markers increased in men, while fat maintenance and insulin signaling markers increased in women.

A study of exercising rats at the National Institutes of Health showed that molecular changes led to less inflammatory bowel disease and tissue injury. 

Another study found that insulin alters gene expression linked to asthma.

Some scientists think they can develop drugs to mimic the good molecular effects of exercise for those who are unable to exercise for short or long lengths of time.

I conduct Zoom workout sessions.  Send me a message if you are interested.

The latest one, Musings

My other short story and poetry book Life, Work and Play, fitness book Pocket Guide to Fitness (two versions and the anti-bullying children's book The Boy in a Wheelchair are available on Authorhouse or AmazonMy other short story and poetry book Life, Work and Play, fitness book Pocket

Guide to Fitness (two versions and the anti-bullying children's book The Boy in a Wheelchair are available on Authorhouse or Amazon.

Monday, March 25, 2024

The Obvious: State of Journalism in the United States

So why did I get a Masters from Journalism from NYU? Why did I get any education may be the subject of another article. [I noticed at 18 that colleges are a business and people of all parties seem to be seeing that now. Some college insurance should be thought of by Congress or the private sector.] Much, as we usually do not tell children, is the hand of God or whom you know in almost all industries. At the latest alumni function at NYU, there was not one conservative voice in the audience, and when I raised my hand to ask why there is no Walter Kronkite any more or investigative journalism except for murders, the microphone was almost yanked from my hands as pronounced I had no more questions. Many Dateline and 48 Hours journalists have excellent capabilities, and they are steered to murder mysteries that do nothing for our souls or brains, and definitely not for the nation. I am continually asking, wtf?

What is happening? How can CNN and MSNBC, not to mention shows like The View, be geared toward one party or another or be so against Donald Trump. Yes, he should not say things about the “disabled” or women, but no, he is not a fascist and he cares about this country.  Where is actual information flowing? Did I tell you I spent 15 years of my life to get a Ph.D. in information science, and I don’t see any of my colleagues from CW Post as information experts on television, while both sides of the aisle (and unfortunately there are usually two) proclaim that others are the leaders in dis- and mis-information.

How many times are Republicans, especially those that like Trump or are far right on CNN,  MSNBC, The View or other shows? What kind of journalism is that? Why not have two if not four of varying degrees of agreement on a subject each one with a neutral journalist that has investigated and research the topic? When I edited science, I was told to dumb it down to a seventh grade level. Although there are many stupid people out there, I’d give the American public the benefit of the doubt that that is the kind of journalism and information sharing they’d want and need.

I do also think sometimes Fox overdoes things, although not as much as liberal media, like in alleging Biden had drugs to deliver the State of the Union speech. I am not sure he is fit to be President for four more years, and he is a puppet of the Far Left in areas, but Fox does overdo age comments.

At the NYU journalism alumni event, a young Asian woman proclaimed I am a fascist if I think Trump is good for the country. She walked away before I could point out that my grandfather and his eldest son, then 17, were killed by firing squad by actual German fascists during World War II on May 1, 1944 in Argostoli, Kephallonia, Greece. (Film Corelli’s Mandolin, 2000) How can college, let alone NYU, Columbia or other schools we think are tops, throw a term like that around the place?  Last time I checked, Trump works with Greeks and many others, and isn’t planning on killing any. Perhaps there are personal or collective wounds having people project that Trump is Hitler. Cancel culture itself, where you cannot give your opinion, is conducted by those who project the fascists they really are by calling others fascists (much like those who have put down my intellect or called me fat are the actual fat, stupid ones).  These are people weaponizing the justice system against Trump, while Biden gets by free. When was it okay for any President or official to have classified information?

Of course, I am aware that several that like Trump (and he can be any Republican candidate in the future) are male-chauvinist pigs and racist. I am Greek and many in church are like that. But let’s get real. People are complicated onions. Don’t we all have some racism in us? Don’t most whites think whites are better in some way, or blacks think blacks are better, or Italians think Italians are better But most have the sense to look at people as individuals. Maybe we feel different to different degrees at different times of the day or year. People may prefer their  family, neighborhood, city race or two races, ethnicities, or at times not even like them. (I can say that about most family members.) Trump, whose daughter “became” Jewish and who I am sure employs all kinds of people, is not an anti-black or anti-gay person as far as I can see or more than many others are different times, including those that may be prejudiced against whites.

Many or most may have thought of the n, h and s words as applied to negative characteristics shown by people of different races. It can be an angry word spoken at times, and may not mean one is inherently racist to everyone of one ethnicity or race.  At the School of Practical Philosophy, I learned about the sattvic, rajasic and tamasic elements of life.¹  I am sure they can be applied to races, ethnicities, occupations and more, although they would be stereotypes true at times. For instance, each ethnicity may have its sattwic, or usually best, wise, calm version; rajasic or energetic, working and at times argumentative and too busy nature; and tamasic nature which can range from rest to dark and evil.

It's an absurd world to hear at times that one can change genders daily then wander into a Greek event and be asked (at the other end of the spectrum) if I am 100% Greek, or what village my mother hails…I wonder if there is a third country somewhere in which to be “happy.”

And how many times do they “old money” people not like the “new money” people, or “new money” people not like those in the social class they left behind, whether it is the same or different race or ethnicity? 

For those who see only the bad about America, have you tried living somewhere else? I am sure there are some good places. I can actually pick one of the gorgeous islands of Greece and stay there. But I may be too much of a New Yorker so I know, to an extent, I like the variety of cultures and the energy/rhythm. I also know that to Greeks, although born there, I am an American.  I am sure if one is from or partly from Norway to Uganda, they’d be thought of the same and would come to realize that they may vibe with some characteristics of that country’s culture, but also find many rather stupid and annoying since they are also American. So take the best of both.

For women’s month, I’ll add this:  Many of us women are happy we are here, and those expounding too far left views should think of it. If your hair would show or you’d look at a man, in some villages in the Middle East or Asia, you’d be stoned to death or beheaded. And in some African villages, you’d lose your clitoris. I’ll keep America, thank you, plus my head and clitoris.

Besides football and apple pie, a main characteristic of being an American is innovation, optimism, progress and taking the best of different cultures. I love my Greek culture and religion, but I know I have to open the window and let some air in or it may get stifling and a bit Dark Age-y at times.  I also know that being an American is not self-hate and annihilation from the inside, which some woke culture is consciously or subconsciously fostering. That would be rather stupid. I  recall the biggest  sports blunder I saw. A man in a European or South American soccer match fervently ran across the field and scored a goal. Then he realized it was against his team, rather stupid.

An informed, neutral, well-meaning press can foster and then receive more information form in a truly safe environment, the populace. This would have us be able to gather any sattwic messages from the extreme left and right, left and right, and middle, to use easy terms and have actual progress.

And no country can NOT have a border. No white American can march to Mexico, or Canada, or Kenya, or Singapore, or Norway and decide to live there for as long as they want with no paperwork. It is not a racism thing.  Did anyone  investigate if George Floyd and his murderer had beef from the past? If any subordinate cops had feeble personalities and could not stop what was happening? If any bystander called the black police captain?

I went to clubs since I was 13 years old. Yes, there were some gay and bisexual people, and transvestites. However, a huge amount of people were not changing their gender, and definitely not  children.  There weren’t countless proclaimed genders.  This is post-modernism turning to craziness. Crossdressers do not need to read books to children, as we do not need to show them straight X-rated films, and this is coming from a club -goer at 13. One day at a Chelsea school, I subbed for the DOE in a special education classroom, to see them showing them a Harvey Mil movie. I see this in my 20s. This is not appropriate for any children due to the sexual and drug content, and this is coming from someone who went to NYC nightclubs at 13 years old. In addition, the young African-American paraprofessional, way less educated than myself, had reverse racism. (I will not get into the whole story.) And many of us experimented with drugs and sexuality. Thirteen is different than six. Most parents are competent enough to handle their children over teachers or doctors.

Yes, my religion says that gay people have demons in their head. A Greek Orthodox priest-Ph.D. wrote well on this topic, but I will not get into it now.  A small percentage of people are gay, even if you account for those who don’t admit it in countries like Uganda or Iran. Some of these people have better relationships than heterosexuals, where the divorce rate is around 50%REF, and may have no demons in their head. Everyone does to an extent.  Of course, everyone deserves civil rights, obviously, and some gay people or black people or white people or whatever, may have a better character or heart than a neighbor. Only God can judge a heart, soul or spirit, and being straight or gay is not the measure as some on the extreme right (to use an easy phrase) may think.

To group a person who may not be pro children changing their genders, for example, and say they are fascists or some other unfitting, ludicrous term is collapsing civil rights with individual opinion, including religious ones, on which this country was founded and is assuming the auditory recipient is stupid enough to agree with you for fear of being canceled, not seeming nice or smart, or whatever else.  That person never said anything on the important subject of civil rights, on which this country was also founded.

However, just like so many all of a sudden have a lactose, peanut or gluten allergy, even after accounting for those that were too afraid to voice it, it does not seem logical that more people want a gender change operation, or are gay or some other of many proclaimed genders. I can imagine in a small minority of cases, some are not comfortable in their gender, but it is a small percentage. And they may change their mind at 18, 21 or 25 years old! Intuition tells me so, and it is hardly ever wrong. I myself was feminine to my soul since I was a child, but also have masculine characteristics or those thought so, like being bossy or strong, but it doesn’t mean I will change my gender. Ever heard of a yin-yang balance, and then I’d say most are more feminine if female and male if male. To say one does not know what a woman is, is ridiculous.  I am reminded of my favorite ancient Greek story of Diogenes being asked why he is carrying a lamp at noon time. His answer was to find a human being.

Company can be found in district attorneys not prosecuting crime.  Aren’t district attorneys supposed to be hard on crime? What is the point of public arrests if people are let out in the street again. I do not agree with Fox News that sending The National Guard to NYC subways is a prelude to a police state. But why do we need them? Is cop enrollment low because of some bad vibes to cops? Or is crime so high? Why are illegals in The Roosevelt Hotel? Yes, they are illegal. Some are criminals and in gangs. Some are innocent women with children or families. You must come into this country legally, as my parents came, and as with every country.  Why aren’t mentally unstable people housed here to get medical and mental help they need and money? Some of them are veterans!

I thought in 2001 we should have nuclear detectors on trains. `The CIA and FBI did not communicate well and the CIA did not listen to women prior to 911 (as Israelis didn’t prior to October 7). Terrorists can enter from either border, become citizens and facilitate others to enter for another 911.

Perhaps I am innocent at heart, but besides leanings on a high level of Constitutional interpretation at the Supreme Court, aren’t judges supposed to be neutral? Isn’t that the point of the blind Justice statue with a scale? Again, wtf.

To also try to divide the country on race is ridiculous. This country was contributed to by everyone from the Founding Fathers to current immigrants. Most contribution did not come from slaves, but from everyday poor farmers and also city innovators and industrialists. Slaves did contribute a lot. But so did everyone in our country.²To say one group contributed the most is racist and too prideful. I have an intuitive/artistic side and scientific one.  Here my scieintific side would require many primary documents and accounts. I am sure there were more poor family farmers than their were salves and wheat was more important than cotton. 

The Founding Fathers were amazing at starting this country, and proclaiming freedom.  I haven’t started a country lately, have you? Yes, many had slaves. Slavery is huge in almost all parts of the world, and is happening now in the form of labor and sex slavery, and more.³ Greeks, for instance, were slaves in the Ottoman Empire for 400 years. England and Ireland, China and Japan, Arabs and Persians, Indians and Pakistanis have had strife. We are in a Fallen World. And yes, our history has not been the best with Native American Indians. Life is full or winners and losers. Whoever loses the Super Bowl does not want to play again the next day. (This is not to make light of atrocities.) Yes, slavery is wrong. Archbishop Iakovos of blessed memory marched with Martin Luther King Sr and was on the cover of Life with him. The Founding Fathers were flawed as were my ancient Greek philosopher ancestors who were probably all male chauvinist pigs. Aristotle thought all DNA came from sperm, when more than half (mitochondrial as well as other genes) come from mothers. But you don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.

The same is true of cops. There are some bad apples. Cops should be vetted trained and fired if they commit crimes. Yet we must fund them. You call a cop when you need someone, and if you are alone and a woman, this is more necessary.

Let’s talk about privilege for a while:  Is there systematic racism? I am sure there has been in the areas of policing, voting, real estate, work and more at times in different places. At the same time, I, as a white, healthy, educated woman, have had incredible obstacles from family to frenemies to dating to men.  People have thought I am a slut, not getting laid enough, fat or thin, too young or too old, privileged, a snob, stupid and more.  In Greek Orthodoxy and other “religions,” we learn we all carry a cross. To what extent is one person responsible for another? That is a choice. Is a single rich white man, for instance, whose father abused him, wife cheated on him and child has cancer at five more privileged than someone with little work but close friends hanging out on his stoop each night and four healthy children? Hmmm

Back to journalism:  We are not stupid, although we are inundated with often crap information of pop culture, violent video games and movies and repetitive “journalism.” I remember that in my 20s I wrote a paper on how journalism is consumed with several things like sensationalism and repetitiveness. Not much has changed.  Where is the investigative journalism on the environment; statistics of crimes by illegal aliens; cops that have had social training; causes of crime; and more? For instance, what are reasons that inflation went up and are they related to COVD, Trump, Biden, Jobs, interest rates or others and to what capacity each?  What caused COVD? How were scientists, including Dr. Fauci, complicit in it knowingly or not? Why can’t we educate poachers of wildlife?

I am waiting for reparations from Germany.  My family had repercussions resulting in emotional and verbal abuse to me and who knows what came or has not come about in my life due to that. How economically feasible is that for descendants of slaves? What if they are 1/16 black? What about Northern descendants and immigrant families who had nothing to do with that. No, they should pay nothing. Why are people like former President Obama who are not half black called white as much as they are called black. He came from a white mother and she and his grandmother were his biggest mentors, I think.

Where are the parties that actually want to work together for the medical, mental, economic, environmental and spiritual health of a nation? I do not see them, or at least a majority of journalists or politicians, being a neutral, investigative “middle.” I wonder again if there is some third country for me.  I would not join Bezos or Musk on their rockets, as I like Nature here, as cruel as it can be at times in this Fallen World. Perhaps we can all stop this madness and help make it better.

Socrates has been credited of saying “Pan metron ariston.”  To everything, measure (or the middle road) is arista or excellence. Thinking Trump is Hitler, saying homosexuals will go to hell, saying all Democrats are Communists are extreme, useless and only harmful ideas as bad as any prejudice. An informed, neutral, investigating journalism will feed  the minds of Americans and wake up their intelligence, be they black, white, a mixture, Asian, rich, poor and of varying types of education. They will feed the media and increase the standard of journalism. This cycle will hopefully fuel other positive cycles, increase communication and foster unity. We already have enough mind-numbing entertainment, including violence, from movies to television to video games to apps. I enjoy some of it. But, again, Pan Metron Ariston. Perhaps we need something else, and true journalism can be one of the leaders.

From Ancient Greece to that President Lincoln said about a house divided, we know where that ends. And I I know we can all agree on certain things. It must start with loving this country. And I know everyone wants their family to be safe, and no one wants to pay $7 for Corn Flakes.


2. Most people came to this country as poor people who wanted different or more rights.  Few, comparatively, were plantation owners. All ethnicites and races (or mixtures thereof) contributed in urban settings. Researching this would take months or years, and could include primary documents. If anyone pays me, I will do it. When having mostly a correct intuition as a child and having education and experience, you can go with that before [paid] research.


I conduct Zoom workout sessions.  Send me a message if you are interested.

The latest one, Musings

My other short story and poetry book Life, Work and Play, fitness book Pocket Guide to Fitness (two versions and the anti-bullying children's book The Boy in a Wheelchair are available on Authorhouse or AmazonMy other short story and poetry book Life, Work and Play, fitness book Pocket

Guide to Fitness (two versions and the anti-bullying children's book The Boy in a Wheelchair are available on Authorhouse or Amazon.



Thursday, June 15, 2023

Third Entity in Romantic Relationships

 Relationships can be hard. No one had a perfect childhood or has no "issues and they cannot be solved fully, or through religion, therapy, meditation, and yoga. Often, as Harville Hendrix said years ago you grow most in committed relationships with those who will be there e for you through the good and bad moments and times.

A third entity must be God, Jesus Christ, and it is best in a Greek Orthodox context. 

Besides this, the third entity is also the "we", the relationship. Recently, a relationship I had with someone was a baby. After no communication about what I did not like, I ruined it, consciously, and I thought I was killing the baby. If both of us fostered it, it would be growing now. But I could not lower my standards enough to warrant having a sort of or on-and-off relationship. 

Perhaps, if both of us watered that baby, we'd be together, closer daily, or at least monthly, through the ups and downs.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Intersection of Art, Science and Religion

 This is an email to Bible class and will be edited and added to in the future:

I still think you need works and that Orthodoxy thinks you need both, or it seems too much like the Protestant 
"I am saved" and that is it.
I also think we are obligated, within the parameters of our choices, and giving ourselves times to rest, to grow and increase our talents to show appreciation for what God gave us, inspire others (which can also mean doctors since medicine with art; medicine is not the only thing that heals), and make a difference, including by sharing any money gained.
For those of us not called to be nuns or monks, we are going to be in this world. For some, given their personalities and circumstances, that may mean to concentrate on family. For others that is or includes art and science. If those are done in the context of having faith, the person has two entities going for them. I have seen what a female psychologist said, an emptiness of some artists (and perhaps if they are not anchored in faith, some turn to drugs, etc.), but I have alternatively seen some artists, especially dancers, who are loving and spiritual whether Christian or Orthodox or not. (In fact, I think of all artists, dancers are the most special no matter the race, gender, sexuality, or religion) in general. (You can find jerks everywhere)

With art, whether music, a poem, or dance, you can explain all kinds of human conditions and emotions, albeit not of Heaven or just praising God, but that are in the world which, after all, God gave us (although it was influenced by the Fall). If an artist can express the complication of human emotions, the beauty of what another may overlook like a rose or even an orange, our psychology and more, while being in and appreciating Christ or God or at least human love (for atheists), that is divine and sacred.
An artist can express angst or death via music, a painting, a dance a photograph, and show suffering in the world, as we spoke about on Zoom.
Some desires can also be to me since we are of and in this world and you can always be Christ-conscious.
A scientist interested in a bacterium, as well, while having a passion to understand God's world and help to cure a disease, fight for the environment, or other, also is often being Christ- or God-conscious.
On the other hand, many in church who are middle or upper class, may speak about doing away with passions, while giving 1% of what they have for others. And that may include myself.
We can keep God first, but work on our talents and be ourselves as we grow daily and have free will.
I can write more, but will wrap Here is some wonderful chanting: 

Friday, December 2, 2022


I will post something short now, as it is late and I am listening to a wonderful vigil for Saint Porphyrios from Zoodochos Peghe Greek Orthodox Church in the Bronx.

My father always called me "athoa" or innocent in Greek. I am finding out why these last years. It is beyond me, although I do have the capacity both ways good and bad in extremes, that people can be evil, sadistic, jealous, and aiming to destroy others' souls and self-confidence.

They may do this consciously or subconsciously, as I have seen even in close family members, not to mention frenemies and strangers.

Often, this is in the guise that they want to tell you the truth about who you are, your personality, your looks, your talents, your abilities, your relationships, your future. Ultimately, YOU get to say.

Curiously, these are the same people that are most "sensitive" when you tell them a FRACTION of anything back. They often back away like wounded animals. Poor babies

I am a Christian, but often not a good one. I do have a mouth, and will use it. If someone is not with me on my birthday or Christmas Eve, they are most likely or surely not with me. So what the fuck! Let the tongue loose finally.

More is to come.

Happy Saint Porphyrios Day! He said to pray for enemies and be good. I am not usually Saint Porphyrios. God help us, or them.

Older Women and Younger Men

I have cursed less and less through the years, but after reading Kelly Ripa's book, I gather since she has a loving husband and children, parents and in-laws, a good career and millions, I will be authentic --

WTF is the taboo with older women and younger men? Last year a woman who is a year older than I am and who attended my Greek church grammar school, went on in an embarrassed way about how she is THREE (Wow!!!) years younger than her husband. They are married with children from years. WTF I think her older celebrity sister married a much younger man, after a divorce with one probably her age or older.

Come to think of it, most divorces are with men older than women. An uncle of mine, the best man at my parent's wedding, got married for a second time at 45 years old to his wife who was 18. He took her straight out of the villager around 1971. They have seven grandchildren. All three of their children are married. I do not know if they are happy. None of the couples is divorced.

Another lady at the same church recently, who married a Protestant from Trinidad, looked to the floor as if she had just killed a baby elephant or a baby, and said that her husband is THREE (!!!) years younger than she is. They met on vacation, he was a complete gentleman to her, getting her a dozen roses plus one for a girlfriend once, he converted to Greek Orthodoxy and they have three healthy children. A fortune teller from Atlantic City, that we are not supposed to believe in as priests say they open the way to demons, predicted his name or something. So why the hell id she seem apologetic?

Men die before women anyway, so usually women are stuck being nurses, so naturally women should marry younger men, if they meet the "right" one. What matters is if people get along, if it a good fit, if they have enough things in common, if they have enough things to teach each other or complement each other with and a common future direction. 

Research can yield more statistics. I did not check for the precision of these. Here are two I found readily.,data%20from%20the%20year%202020.

A male dance teacher I had, God bless him, died of a rare brain cancer in his 40s. He had the body of a 20-year-old, at least looking at him, and also was an acrobat, I believe, not easy. He tried many alternative therapies and went to MSKCC. Another dance teacher, a female, died at 102 years old.

They say men are visual. Then wtf are women, especially women artists and editors. We can find a wrong comma in pages of hard science material! We love and overlook beer bellies, wrinkles and rotting teeth! Meanwhile, a woman has a few gray hairs and two fine lines and 35 to 50 years old = 80 years old. WTF! And these men may not even kiss, or as Kelly wrote, be able to find a clitoris (or know what to do with it). Now maybe we can all grow to overlook looks totally, but those or at least chemistry matter. Someone's heart, smarts and especially CHARACTER, may make up for them. Often,  however, older men that are 60 that think of course they will get a 40-year-old (or younger) woman, are a-holes, commenting on any body flaw that they PERCEIVE she has while they are a demolished building. The same goes for those that are 70 thinking they will be with a 50-year-old because they have money or they look so good. WTF Often, they may have utterly racist, cheap and other hideous qualities to boot! I remember an old New Yorker cartoon where an in-shape woman looks in the mirror and sees a fat woman, while a multi-twin beer-belly man looks in the mirror and sees a handsome hunk.

We see acceptance of trans surgery for children, talking about sex to children under 12 years old, and drag queens in classrooms and libraries. (They have their place in art, but not in classrooms or libraries of children.) Yet if a woman is 30 dating a 25-year-old she may be called a "cougar," as if labels like "slut" and "bitch" are not enough! WTF!

I think we should each have a train of good men, younger or not, pining after us, try them out, keep the good and throw out the rest.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Distinctions from Canadian Geese II and a Miracle

August 11, until minutes ago, was my birthday. A miracle happened. After seeing Cody/Codette sweating from his/her tongue, having diarrhea at least once, following me like I am their stepmother, and gnawing on dead leaves, I returned to the park today to find around 22 other geese! He waited. They came.
Was it my clearing?
I went to finding a problem or complaint:  I could not tell if any were from his family. Why doesn't God make geese look more different from each other? Cody/Codette has a white mark on their head.
I wish I knew who was a boy or a girl too.
Well, the part of me that is like my mother was at times always finds a problem. A miracle cannot be enough...
Yet I am happy about it.

Check out my books on or The Boy in a Wheelchair, Life, Work and Play and PocketGuide to Fitness and Musings on