Friday, May 10, 2024

How Exercise Benefits Your Cells and Overall Health by Gemma Conroy, Published in Nature, May 2, 2024

This article is worth leading. The author cites some new discoveries and points to new research that needs to be done.  When you tear up muscle fibers during exercise and then rest, the muscles come back bigger and stronger. Research has shown that the stress that exercise brings to your body, even a temporary increase of oxidative molecules, eventually allows the body to become stronger, like in the adage "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

One effect of exercise is increased IL-6, which can cause inflammation and is "linked to obesity and insulin resistance," but exercise leads to increased anti-inflammatory molecules IL-10 and IL-1ra. 

Reactive oxygen species, which in excess amounts can damage DNA, proteins, and lipids, kick-start a heightened presence of molecules such as proteins PGC-1α and NRF2, which activate genes that encode antioxidant enzymes.

Jonathan Long and colleagues at Stanford University found that exercise affects more than 200 cell types.  When Long and his colleagues genetically tweaked mice so that their livers expressed elevated levels of these enzymes, they did not gain weight when eating fatty foods and had increased endurance.

One study found that endurance training had different effects on men and women. Fat breakdown markers increased in men, while fat maintenance and insulin signaling markers increased in women.

A study of exercising rats at the National Institutes of Health showed that molecular changes led to less inflammatory bowel disease and tissue injury. 

Another study found that insulin alters gene expression linked to asthma.

Some scientists think they can develop drugs to mimic the good molecular effects of exercise for those who are unable to exercise for short or long lengths of time.

I conduct Zoom workout sessions.  Send me a message if you are interested.

The latest one, Musings

My other short story and poetry book Life, Work and Play, fitness book Pocket Guide to Fitness (two versions and the anti-bullying children's book The Boy in a Wheelchair are available on Authorhouse or AmazonMy other short story and poetry book Life, Work and Play, fitness book Pocket

Guide to Fitness (two versions and the anti-bullying children's book The Boy in a Wheelchair are available on Authorhouse or Amazon.

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