Friday, December 2, 2022


I will post something short now, as it is late and I am listening to a wonderful vigil for Saint Porphyrios from Zoodochos Peghe Greek Orthodox Church in the Bronx.

My father always called me "athoa" or innocent in Greek. I am finding out why these last years. It is beyond me, although I do have the capacity both ways good and bad in extremes, that people can be evil, sadistic, jealous, and aiming to destroy others' souls and self-confidence.

They may do this consciously or subconsciously, as I have seen even in close family members, not to mention frenemies and strangers.

Often, this is in the guise that they want to tell you the truth about who you are, your personality, your looks, your talents, your abilities, your relationships, your future. Ultimately, YOU get to say.

Curiously, these are the same people that are most "sensitive" when you tell them a FRACTION of anything back. They often back away like wounded animals. Poor babies

I am a Christian, but often not a good one. I do have a mouth, and will use it. If someone is not with me on my birthday or Christmas Eve, they are most likely or surely not with me. So what the fuck! Let the tongue loose finally.

More is to come.

Happy Saint Porphyrios Day! He said to pray for enemies and be good. I am not usually Saint Porphyrios. God help us, or them.

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